Membership Fees
The cost for membership is $10 per month.
- Membership Fees are due on the 1st of Each Month
- Payments are considered past due if received after the 5th of the month. Thereafter, you will incur a $5 late fee. If your payment is not received by the 20th of the month, your directory listing, shop page, and profile page will be removed from the WSW website and your membership will be put into a "pending-cancel" status. If you wish to reinstate your membership, you will be required to pay a $20 fee to have our web designer restore your website presence. If no payment is received by the 5th of the following month, we will assume that you wish to cancel your membership. If you rejoin at a later date the new website fees will apply.
- Beginning March 1, 2010, all fees (membership, website, late, and reinstatement) will only be accepted through our PayPal account. This will give you the flexibility to pay via debit or credit card. The link to our PayPal account will be on our website.
Website Fees:
- (Optional) Profile Page + Directory + Shop Page: $100 (a $10 savings)
- Profile Page (if added at a later date): $75
© 2009 Women Supporting Women :: All Rights Reserved :: designed by :: logo by bfp graphic design & photography
Six Degrees of Separation
Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the
"Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth.